sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Sonsón is a municipality of Colombia.

Sonsón located in the eastern part of Antioquia department

it has 108 villages, including:  

El Brasil, Alto de Sabanas, Aures Carrizales, Chaverras, El Cedro, El Limón, , San José, El Salto, El Roblal, El Rodeo, El Salado, El Tesoro, La Capilla, La Hermosa, La Honda, Plancitos, La Hondita, La Loma, La Morelia, La Soledad, La Torre, Las Cruces, Llanadas, Los Medios, Mulato Bajo, Palestina, Piedras Blancas, Río Arriba, Roblalito y Tasajo, Nori. Manzanares Abajo, Manzanares Centro, Manzanares Arriba, El Yolombo, Las Brisas, El Llano Cañaberal, eL coco, El Cedro, Murringo, El Popal, Brasilal, Santa Marta, Guayaquil, Zurrumbal, Ventiadeos, Media Cuesta, La Francia Sirgua Arriba, Sirgua Abajo, Sirguita, Los Potreros , Los Planes, El Bosque.

Sonsón has a Total Population : 35,405 inhabitants. 

in Urban Population : 15,109 inhabitants

national symbols:

the shield It has the following characteristics oval shield in whose center stands the parish church symbolizing faith , perseverance and titanic effort of this people ; as background Capiro the hill , whose foot is acentada the city is represented ; in the first place there is a valley with a seedbed which means their fertility in men and ideas that emerged from Sonsón have been irradiated by all areas of the nation , which is represented by the rays that crowns a blue sky, the Sonsón river crosses the valley and then plunges forming a scale , beauty and promising reserves of this region , as a symbol of agricultural wealth are two branches of fructificadas coffee, guarding the shield and two ears of corn that serve as bases as a slogan on a belt carries the phrase " GRATA AMPHORA CIVITA PLENA "

flag: Two bands of equal size and the gualda dark green colors , with the following meaning :
The gualda up or golden yellow, like our aboriginal ancestral symbol of wealth, mineral wealth and at the same time as an expression of maize , a major agricultural sources whose names takes place and folk festival.

The dark green or dark green down as a symbol of nobility and extension of our mountains , in line with the color that is a symbol of Antioquia .
the weather

 The average temperature of the urban area of Sonsón is 13 ° C and humidity of approximately 60 % ; in districts like San Miguel and La Danta climate exceeds 30 ° C , while in the districts of Alto sheets and Media is 22 ° C . Sonsón is the only municipality in Antioquia and Colombia that has all the thermal floors . The winds that reach urban areas generally come from the Caldas . It sonsón enjoy clean air and unpolluted .
History of Sonsón

Sonsón Municipality was founded on Agust 4, 1800 by Don  José Joaquin Ruiz Zapata, judge villager, a resident of the city Rionegro,  with seventy-seven people. initially he called San Jose de Ezpeleta Sonsón in honor of patron saint San Jose and viceroy Ezpeleta.